How to Build / Arckit Sets / A180 Option 01

Arckit 180 Option 01

Kit: A180

Level: Hard

Time: 50-60 min

Category: Arckit Sets

Component List

4 x One by One Floor Module 1.01

4 x One by Two Floor Module 1.02

4 x One by Three Floor Module 1.03

4 x One by Four Floor Module 1.04

4 x One by Five Floor Module 1.05

2x Four by Four Floor Module 1.4

6 x Floor Angle Left 1.08

6 x Floor Angle Right 1.09

4 x Curve Floor 2

25 x Tiles 5.01

3 x Angle Tile Right 5.06

2 x Curve Tile 5.07

19 x Wall Corner 2.02

12 x Wall Clear Corner 2.04

1 x Curve Wall 2.1

1 x Curve Wall Clear 2.11

3 x Wide Wall Clear 2.09

3 x Window/Door Full 3.01

4 x Window Corner 3.02

6 x Wall Low 2.05

6 x Wall low Clear 2.07

11 x Wall Railing 2.06

11 x Wall Joint 9.01

10 x Wall Joint Corner 9.02

4 x Roof truss 5.02

2 x Roof Panel 6.01 (2.4M)

8 x Roof Panel 6.02 (3.6M)

2 x Dormer Roof 6.03

80 x Links 8.01

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Arckit Sets


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