May 31, 2022
Piloting ArckitACADEMY Lesson Plans
We have just completed the piloting of our soon-to-launch Arckit Academy Lesson Plans for primary schools (7yrs-13yrs). It would be an understatement to say that we've been simply blown away by the reaction, enthusiasm and incredible creativity of the young students from Teresian School in Dublin who participated in the 10 classes.

Although we conducted the lessons after long days at school, the girls were always excited to come to The Arckit Academy. This was the first indication that our new method of 'learning through architecture' was gaining approval.

With each and every class we saw the students grow in confidence, picking up topics with ease and freely expressing their ideas both individually and collaboratively within groups. Among the subjects covered were STEAM, architecture & design, climate and sustainability, scale and measurement, interior and urban planning, inclusivity and the 5Cs (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical and computational thinking).

The last class concluded with pairs of students firstly creating a scale 1:50 (1/4) layout of a typical home using paper and Arckit assets followed by an urban design layout while interpreting Arckit at scale 1:200 (1/16) before presenting it to their parents. Not only were the over all designs and original use of components astonishing, each student’s ability to confidently explain and express their project in front of an audience was a joy to behold.

Finally, the appreciation we received from both parents and their children at the end of this unique experience for us all was deeply heartfelt for which we are sincerely grateful. When a parent says it's the best thing their child has participated in all year, and the students asking us if Arckit Academy can be taught in their school, can only further encourage us to try and introduce this new and alternative method of learning to the world.

Note: Developed together with top level teachers, Arckit Academy Lesson Plans align with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) & C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards (College, Career & Civic Life). They can be easily adapted for schools and after school workshops globally. If you are interested in Arckit Academy we’d love to hear from you. You can email us at