New Arckit Lesson Plans on the way!

Hey Teachers and Parents, we have some super news to share with you.

Autumn 2022 sees the launch of our groundbreaking curriculum based Lesson Plans for primary level students which will focus through the very exciting lens of architecture and with Arckit as the guiding tool.

These will offer schools a revolutionary new method of learning and one wholly appropriate for preparing our future visionaries for the ever more complex world we live in today.

They will encompass everything from STEAM subjects, to the environment and sustainability as well as the 5Cs (creativity, collaboration, communication, critical and computational thinking). 

We’ve started piloting our plans with lots of eager students and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. 

If you’re interested in introducing Arckit Lesson Plans to your school or for home schooling, we’d love to hear from you. You can contact us at

Stay tuned for more updates!